working to create an equitable region for all

Philanthropy DMV is a convener of passionate philanthropists. We are committed to creating an environment where all grant-making community members feel supported in the delicate balance between advocacy and funding strategy. Known for networking and learning events, we mobilize strategic philanthropists through programming, data, and impact to to further wellbeing and economic prosperity across the Greater Washington Region.

our region, our giving 2023

Our Region, Our Giving is a snapshot of 2020 & 2021 giving by members & non-members of the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers, now known as Philanthropy DMV, in the Greater Washington Region. Download the full report below.

housing justice working group

Philanthropy DMV is committed to work for housing justice. This working group recognizes centuries of systemic racism and discrimination in housing and land, and that a just housing community provides safe, accessible, secure, and affordable housing where residents can thrive on their own terms.  The Housing Justice Working Group aims to provide long-term continuous learning, address the affordable housing supply in the region, and offer tools and resources along with transformative solutions to solve the most pressing challenges to advance housing justice.

healthy communities working group

The Healthy Communities Working Group is a space of convening, mobilizing, and advocating for members who have a commitment to health and racial equity, ensuring communities across all jurisdictions are thriving, and all people are living their lives to their fullest potential.

civic action working group

The Civic Action Working Group advances philanthropic support for community organizing and advocacy and the infrastructure necessary to support DMV communities and organizations that contribute to a stronger, more effective civil society and civic actions centered in racial equity. It amplifies the voices, opinions, and leadership roles of those with traditionally less power and influence, especially BIPOC individuals.

children, youth, and families working group

The Children, Youth, Families, and Education working group is a space of learning, action, support, and accountability for members of Philanthropy DMV who have a commitment to children, youth, families, and education in the Greater Washington region and who take strategic action to advocate for and create transformational practices within their individual institutions and the broader philanthropic sector.

communications professionals affinity group

Communications professionals are responsible for a wide array of an organization’s work; from social media to external communication to storytelling, communications folks know the power of words and images. Philanthropy DMV has created this professional network for us to come together to share our experiences and helpful resources with one another.

executive assistants affinity group

Executive Assistants do it all. Looked to as strategic thought partners to CEOs and other executive leaders, executive assistants will use this group to come together and share any opportunities or best practices in their work. WRAG has created this professional network for us to come together to share our experiences and helpful resources with one another.

queer affinity group

To celebrate our vibrant LGBTQIA+ community, Philanthropy DMV is launching a network dedicated to bringing together queer-identified individuals in philanthropy.