empowering philanthropy: programs and initiatives
Philanthropy DMV is committed to creating environments where our members and partners are well supported in advocacy and funding strategy to advance a thriving, prosperous region. Through our programs and events we promote meaningful professional development and networking, bringing together professionals who leverage their resources and expertise to make a lasting impact in the region. Our members share best practices, explore new strategies in philanthropic engagement, and collaborate on initiatives that enhance their organization’s impact on local communities.

Working Groups | Where ideas and collaboration drive policy, practice and community impact
- Healthy Communities – improving health at the intersection of social, economic and racial equity.
- Deeply Rooted Regional History Project: Lessons for Equity in the Metropolitan Washington Region
- Investing in the U.S. Health Workforce
- Supporting Trans Health
- Housing Justice – mobilizing philanthropic resources and solutions to advance housing justice
- Resources for Housing Production and Preservation: HAND Housing Indicator Tool 4.0, with Urban Institute
- Children, Youth, Families and Education – learning, action, support, and accountability for funders of children, youth and family issues
- Closing the College Career Success Gap
- Civic Action – advancing philanthropic support for community organizing and advocacy
- Investing to Build Community Power and Civic Participation

Affinity Groups | Networking and learning based on common identities and communities of practice
- Communications Professionals – professionals responsible for brand marketing, communications, and social media in funding organizations
- Corporate Leaders – staff and leadership of corporate foundations and corporate social responsibility programs
- People of the Global Majority – People identifying as Black, Indigenous and other People of Color in philanthropy
- Queer – People who identify as LGBTQIA+ in philanthropy
Thought Leadership | Curated convenings for knowledge exchange with national experts and peers
- Lantern Lectures – professional skill-building sessions for diverse philanthropy models
- Conversations x Coffee/Cocktails – convenings to tackle challenges and discover shared opportunities
- Programs and Practice Calls – Virtual technical assistance calls to deepen and expand racial equity in philanthropic practices. Co-hosted with Equal Measure
- Peer Partnerships – co-presented events and initiatives providing access to resources and expertise of PDMV partners

Learning and Action Topics
- Building community power and civic participation
- The business case for CSR: Tracking, Outcomes, Storytelling
- Closing the College Career Success Gap
- CSR beyond the $$ – Volunteerism, Capacity-Building, and Other Ways to Drive Social Impact
- Deeply Rooted Regional History Project: Lessons for Equity in the Metropolitan Washington Region
- Equity in Communications
- Innovation in Philanthropy using AI
- Internal-External corporate DEI alignment
- Investing in Non-Profit Leadership
- Race-Conscious Initiatives Amid DEI Rollbacks
- Racial Equity and Justice – Programs and Practice
- Fostering Mutual Accountability with Nonprofits