
Voices of the Community: DC, Maryland, Virginia

The Greater Washington Community Foundation is pleased to once again offer leaders and residents in the DMV a look into regional findings, as captured through the Voices of the Community (VoicesDMV): Community Insights survey. This iteration of the survey (VoicesDMV) is designed to keep a finger on the pulse of the community by engaging and listening closely to the voices, experiences, attitudes, and perceptions of people who live here, across jurisdictions.

Washington Aids Partnership: Changing the Course of an Epidemic 1988-2023

In the early 1980s, the HIV/AIDS epidemic was spreading rapidly, creating fear and devastating communities. Eager to take action, the Ford Foundation invited the Washington, D.C. region, which had the fifth-highest infection rate in the nation, to become one of its partner sites in local-level response. The priority: “make grants to the community as quickly as possible.” Twenty Washington, D.C.-area foundations, led by the Meyer Foundation, joined together to match the Ford Foundation funding of $500,000 and launch an unprecedented philanthropic response.

resource library

Common Grant | Report
Common Grant | Letter of Inquiry
Common Grant | Application
Our Region, Our Giving 2023
Our Region, Our Giving 2022
WRAG Strategic Framework
Our Region, Our Giving 2019
Our Region, Our Giving 2018
Our Region, Our Giving 2017
Our Region, Our Giving 2016
Our Region, Our Giving 2014
Our Region, Our Giving 2013